Global maximum of remote cache scope: SHARED 远程缓存作用域的全局最大值:SHARED
Portal& A global maximum value for cache information is based on several values an administrator provides in a property file. 门户&缓存信息的全局最大值基于管理员在属性文件提供的若干值。
Global maximum values are contributed to the overall cache information for a rendered page. 全局最大值提供到呈现的页面的总体缓存信息中。
Check the algorithm as explained in Global default values and global maximum values. 检查全局缺省值和全局最大值中说明的算法。
See Global default values and global maximum values to find out how these values are calculated and what they are based upon. 请参阅全局缺省值与全局最大值,以了解这些值的计算方式及其所基于的设置。
Note that values for global default values and global maximum values may not necessarily be equal. 请注意,全局缺省值和全局最大值并不一定相等。
In the first step, WebSphere Portal calculates global default values and global maximum values, as given in the flow graphs in Global default values and global maximum values. 在第一步中,WebSpherePortal将计算全局缺省值和全局最大值,如全局默认值和全局最大值中的流程图所示。
If you want to create a global variable that indicates the maximum security level, use this statement 如果希望创建一个全局变量表示最高级安全级别,使用下面的语句
A global maximum value is calculated internally by WebSphere Portal based on these property values. 由WebSpherePortal根据这些属性值在内部计算全局最大值。
The overall aim is to conclude in Copenhagen a binding agreement that will set the path to limit global warming to a maximum of2 degrees Celsius as recommended by science. 哥本哈根会议的整体目标是达成一个有政治约束力的文件。其中,文件应涉及到科学界一直认同的限制全球暖化到最多两摄氏度的路线。
Thus, information spreads completely. MNCs can take part in the global competition with maximum flexibility and adaptability. 这样,信息传递充分,跨国公司能以最大灵活性与适应性参与全球竞争。
The dynamic programming algorithm ( DP) is applied to gene chip recognition. The definition of global maximum self-similarity of gene chip data and an automatic gene recognition method based on the maximum self-similarity and local high dimensional segment alignment ( DP-MS) are proposed. 研究了动态时间规划(DP)在基因芯片数据识别中的应用,提出了基因芯片数据的全局最大自相似度的定义以及基于最大自相似度和高维局部片段校对的基因芯片数据自动识别方法。
Sufficient condition for monotonous increase of the average fitness converging to the global maximum value is derived. 导出了选择和变异条件下平均适应度单调递增并收敛到全局最优解的条件。
Under its operation strategy, multinationals transfer profit from high-taxation country to low-taxation country by transfer pricing, in order to realize global profit maximum. 通过转移定价策略,跨国公司为了实现其经营战略,谋求全球利润最大化,将利润从税负高的国家或地区转移到税负低的国家或地区,减少税负负担。
Moreover, the multiresolution implementation of the registration algorithm based on a rotation-and translation-invariant wavelet and on a coarse-to-fine updating strategy effectively reduces the searching region and ensure that the algorithm can reach the global maximum. 通过一种具有平移和旋转不变性的小波分解实现算法的多分辨率形式,能明显加快算法的收敛速度并保证搜索结果的全局最优性。
A Generalization On the Theorem of Global Maximum and Global Minimum 全局极值定理的一个拓广
In this paper an interval iterative method is given for seeking the global maximum of a second order differentiable function. 本文就二次可微函数类给出一类求大范围极值的区间迭代方法。
To overcome the local optimal problem existing in some maximum likelihood DOA estimation algorithms, improve the estimation accuracy, a global optimal solution of nonlinear maximum likelihood DOA estimation is obtained by real-valued genetic algorithm proposed in this paper. 为克服一些获取波达方向估计最大似然解算法存在的局部极值问题,提高估计精度,本文以作者提出的实数遗传算法为搜索工具,寻求波达方向最大似然估计的非线性全局最优解。
In this paper, a new theorem of global maximum and global minimum on finite dimensional Hilbert space was proposed and some applications were presented. 本文在有限维Hilbert空间上改进了全局极值定理并给出了改进后定理的某些应用。
The Powell's direction set method with multi-resolution is used to search for a global maximum of the AM. 该文应用多分辨率方法和Powell方向族搜索法来最大化对齐度。
The optimal function was mapped onto the homeomorphism surface by RST method, and the current local minima point was transformed into the global maximum point without changing the optimal function values under current local minima point. 该方法通过将被优化函数映射到一个同胚曲面上,使当前局部极小点变换为全局最大点,并保持被优化函数值在当前局部极小点以下部分的数值不变。
RST method transforms local minimum to global maximum and keeps the values of the optimized function unchanged under the ( local) minimum. 它将当前局部极小点变换为全局最大点,并保持被优化函数值在当前局部极小点以下部分的形状不变,从而克服陷入局部极小点的问题。
The time of maximum flooding event in lower Yangtze area was earlier about 22 Ma than that of the global maximum flooding, suggesting a clear non-synchronization. 下扬子区的最大海侵事件的时间比全球最大海侵事件提早大约22Ma,显示出明显的非同步性。
The real genetic algorithm, a global maximum method, was applied to improve the learning ( algorithm) of BP. 采用全局最优化算法&实数遗传算法改进BP神经网络的学习算法。
However, as the MLE requires obtaining the parameters of the high order non-linear likelihood function when it reaches the global maximum, this makes the MLE approach has very huge calculation burden. 但是,由于最大似然方法需要求解一个高度非线性函数在取得最大值时的参数,使得该方法的计算量是十分巨大的。
And all these factors make logistics is not only a kind of campaign, it must, adapt to the development of global manufacturing industry and the maximum complication of the Society manufacture. 所有的这些都使得现代物流不仅仅是一种管理商品运输、保管的事务性活动,它需要适应全球制造业的发展和社会生产的极大复杂化的需求。
The numerical simulation result indicates that there is no liquefaction phenomenon on the tailing dam under M 8.0 earthquake. And the global maximum displacement center is in the lower slope surface. 数值模拟结果显示,该尾矿坝在Ⅷ级地震作用下并未出现液化现象;坝体全局最大位移中心出现在坝坡面中下部。
It can suppress the angle glint effectively since the angle motion parameter of target is obtained through searching the global maximum entropy of the high-range-resolution profile. 该方法通过搜索高分辨距离像波形熵的全局最大值得到目标角度估计,可以很好地抑制测角闪烁的发生。
Then, a new hybrid optimization method based on artificial immune system and Powell search is also presented to find the global maximum more quickly. The new optimization can find the global maximum more efficiently. 为了能更快地找到全局最优值,本文进一步提出了基于免疫算法和方向加速法的混合优化的算法,仿真结果证明了本文提出的方法的有效性。